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Notizie recenti

dalla Cooperativa Valgrande

Terra Vi.VA Project

The Terra Vi.Va. project triggers a participatory process aimed at environmental and functional restoration of an emblematic terraced area of the Valle Antrona (Province of Verbano Cusio Ossola, VCO). The pilot experience has launched a landowner association which engages local administrations and small owners of abandoned plots, in order to restore the multiple ecosystem services provided by the terraced landscape. So far, the process has delivered a first lot of land to two local farms. An environmental monitoring programme is carried out throughout the project, in order to steer agronomic choices and draft a management plan for the merged areas. The framework is completed by an extensive communication plan as well as by proposals for the future development of the initiative at local and wider levels. We have been involved into this project monitoring the butterfly population and restoring the old stone walls on the terraced area.