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+39.0323.468506 | +39.347.8168559

Geological Laboratory – GeoLab

The environmental education activities at the Geological Laboratory “GeoLab”, in Vogogna, feature an introduction to the geology and geomorphology of the Val Grande National Park. Active experimentation is usually combined with visits to the lab, with the option to choose between various activities in accordance with the preferred theme, using polarized light microscopes and stereomicroscopes equipped with high definition cameras. The activities can also be combined with a tour on the “Geological Trail” between Vogogna and Premosello, an experience that offers the unique opportunity to “cross” the continental crust, from the European to the African paleocontinent. Due to tectonic processes it is possible, along the route, to observe the contact point between the earth’s crust and the mantle.

Water Museum Acquamondo
Via Umberto I, 39
28801 Cossogno
Telephone number: +39.0323.468506
Mobile number: +39.330.224528