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+39.0323.468506 | +39.347.8168559

Environmental Education in the Val Grande National Park

The Cooperative manages the educational services for the Val Grande National Park. The Park offers all schools the opportunity to discover the largest wilderness area in the Alps, offering different experiences within a rich and varied program. “The Park is … forest”, “The Park is … water”, “The Park is … animals” are all invitations to learn about the nature of the Val Grande, while  “The Park is … history” is intended to lead to the discovery of the first signs left by ancient man in this region, reviving the life of the pastures and rediscovering fairy tales and legends. With “The Park is … trip” it is possible to travel on the Nature Trails of the Park, to understand and appreciate the nature and the history of these places. 

Water Museum Acquamondo
Via Umberto I, 39
28801 Cossogno
Telephone number: +39.0323.468506
Mobile number: +39.330.224528